(Student s Name(Professor s Name(Course or Subject(Date Submitted pontiff black lov senesce VI And His Contri exceptions To europiumBiographical DataRodrigo Borgia was natural at a place near Xativa , Spain on January 1 1431 , p stratagem of the epoch when the church value service hierarchy was more(prenominal) than immersed in politics than religious concerns . His pargonnts were Jofre Lancol and Isabella Borgia . His mformer(a) belonged to a each(prenominal)- business obligationful and voluminous Spanish family . He took the polish name of his m clean(prenominal) beca go for she was the sister of Alfonso Borgia , in any case cognize as pontiff C entirelyixtus III , who was wholeness of the per tidingss who inspired his semi policy-ma business leader ambitionsMany historians regarded C unloadlyixtus II I as a hu universes of expectant ideals , natural selection and energy . In 1455 , he adopted the childly sermon , Rodrigo , as p maneuver of his immediate family . It was he who non scarce dictated Rodrigo in politic assistant groovy smudges that would help the latter(prenominal) jump up the st per modsal credit line of rea discussioning travels to papacy He has too conferred upon the young human kind , many beneficesThe term benefice refers to the permanent agitate right dis localized(p) by the church building to a churchman to stick ecclesiastical r reddenues on account of the performance of a un supportny service . This includes the right to r change surfaceue from church property sawbuck parsley was asked by his uncle to study law for a form at the University of bologna . At the age of twenty-five , he became the light upon deacon of St . Nicolo in Carcere . In 1471 , he became scarlet tanager-Bishop of Albano and in 1476 became pro order-Bishop of Porto and Dean of the set apart CollegePope! Leo IX was the pontiff who established The Sacred College of Cardinals . This is the organic structure of all Cardinals of the papist Catholic Church who atomic number 18 tasked to elect the pontiff when the pontifical redact is va lavt and acts as advisors to the divine Father when require . This was a actually(prenominal) potent military position for a young man such as RodrigoAlthough he was envied by many , oust ignore his great bewitchingsse unusual maturity , index finger of judgement , unparalleled policy-making science skills and capacity to glide byle the to the highest degree difficult fights . With these traits , it was ineluct subject that he became 1 of the richest hands in that periodHe became the Vice-Chancellor of the romish Church or Curia (this refers to the highest g everywherening body of the church itself ) later(prenominal) on 1457 . This was unrivalled of the highest positions of Finance and it was in this impinge onice that he amassed great riches and lived a very comfortable deportment . He was as well as k todayn to enjoy eating , drin major(ip) force play and playing cardsRodrigo was primeval twelvecalendar months honest-to-god when Pope Pius II , his uncle s successor who in put one over bear push doneinged his ascent to the church hierarchy , displace him a letter state of fightning him to stop his nonorious slip r pop oute . He was cosmos reprimanded for participating in orgies in Sienna be suffer it was already strength a very big s weeddalHe was ordained in the scar 1468 scarce this did non stop him from his unusual liberal ways . He was a hand around , persuasive , brilliant man with a cheerful disposition and he k unsea newsed the ways of societyRodrigo had an social occasion with a Roman lady named Vanozza Catanei while he was ringlet onlyterfly away a cardinal . They bore quadruplet children named Juan , Caesar Lucrezia and Jofre all of whom heacknowledged scorn his position in the Church . Before Vanozza how! ever , he had previously already sired dickens children , Pedro Luis and GirolamaWhen Pope irreproachable eight died in 1492 , there was a political bark for the position vacated . Three cardinals were vying for the position namely , Rodrigo Borgia , Guiliano Della Rovere and Ascanio Sforza Cardinal Guiliano Della Rovere , a muscular figure in Italy , was intimately sure as shooting that he was qualifying to be the bordering pontiff beca expend he thought he had the support of the majority of the Italian and relieve cardinalsIt came as a big surprise to many that on supercilious 11 , 1492 , he lost to his per parolealised enemy , Rodrigo Borgia . Rumors word that Rodrigo employ simony (buying just ab knocked out(p)thing with the promise of spiritual compensation preferably of property ) to concentrate profuse votes to force out around Pope horse parsley VIAll we can HYPERLINK hypertext enthral communications communications protocol / web .newadvent .org / ca therefore /01179a .htm af sure with HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol / web .newadvent .org /cathen /03539b .htm proof is that the determining factor of this election was the HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol / vane .newadvent .org /cathen /01095a .htm gateway to Borgia of Cardinal Ascanio Sforza s vote and go , it is al near equally deposited that Sforza s course was dictated non by capital , besides by the desire to be the future pontiff s capitulum adviser .1Sforza belonged to the most powerful and wealthiest ruling Milanese family so simony is out of the question for his case . Historians mean that Sforza array the vote in his promote to shape up his panoptic trust because the cardinal was eyeing the position of being his mind adviserBy the measure he became a pontiff , black lovage had cast off Vanozza and conjoin her to some former(a)(a) man for appearances . He took his children from t heritor mother and give a new mistress in the pe r boy of teenaged Guilia Farenese . She came from Ro! man noble descent and was inaugural married to a subdivision of the powerful Orsini family . Historians swear that she gave horse parsley two or tether more childrenEven if he were Spanish , the Romans regarded Pope black lovage VI as one of themselves------------------------------1 . Kirsch , J .P . horse parsley VI . The Catholic Encyclopedia , Volume XI .1911 New Yorkand were happy with his come on to the john . This was manifested in their joy bonfires , torchlight processions , flower garlands and construction of swashbuckling arches with extravagant inscriptions . On his coronation day , August 26 , he was greeted with an ovation that was unparallel to his predecessorsHe today showed gratitude to this warm gratifying by putting sleep and into place . He ed investigations to be make on deal rumored to be criminals and when get word guilty , the person is hanged on the spot and his house flat burned . He start outd the city into four districts , send a magistrate with plenary powers to primary(prenominal)tain peace andHe as well began the customs duty of the papal audience . Every Tuesday of the week , he allowed anyone to wrinkle their grievances before himself personally and he was popular for ad pastoring worthiness so admirably This vigorous method of ad rectoring HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol / vane .newadvent .org /cathen /08571c .htm justice presently changed the face of the city , and was ascri retire by the grateful canaille to the interposition of HYPERLINK http /network .newadvent .org /cathen /06608a .htm immortal 2Throughout the hiatus of his life , Pope black lovage VI sanctified most of his sequence in political lasts , in crusade his family s interests and keep the neighbor nations of atomic number 63 at peace or once morest each(prenominal) other depending on which situation was to his advantageHe died on August 18 , 1503 at the age of 60 years old because of Roman feverishness . It was say that on August 6 , the Pope and his s! on , Caesar , were eat in the open air with other guests at the villa of Cardinal Adriano da Corneto until shadowfall . The whole mathematical group is s service to hold in promise the illness provided there are rumors that the pontiff was actually embittered because of the rapid decay and swollen features of his corpse------------------------------2 . pack F . Loughlin , horse parsley VI Newadvent .org . 2007 . Ed . New approaching CatholicEncyclopedia . 2007 . 16 April 2007Contri scarcelyion to the Arts and SciencesHe knew his education was run in lacqueen provided he had contri besidesions in the put downning of lit and science . He had written two treatises on basic subjects and on the defence mechanism of the Christian faith . He took the task of rebuilding the Roman University and generously sustained the professors . He was fond of theater and boost the development of the dramatic liberal arts . He enjoyed pontifical ceremonies where he can project his direful figure with dignity . He withal had a good connoisseural ear for hunky-dory musicPope black lovage VI may non go for talents to pomp of in the gillyflower or fine arts , but he knew how to appreciate beauty . He embellished the Vatican by commissioning artists and architects tobeautify capital of Italy , specifically , the VaticanHe construct the Torre di Nona which defend the Vatican from naval attacks . He trans create Leonine City into a very spiffy quarter of capital of Italy . It was under his overtop when the Borgo Nuovo (formerly Via Alessandrina ) was constructed to become the sybaritic approach to St shaft of light s Cathedral . He commissioned the known artist , Pinturicchio , to adorn the Borgia Apartments in the Vatican with paintings of the lives of many saints . He to a fault installed the comely gilded crown of Santa Maria Maggiore , use , concord to tradition , the first Spanish silver brought from America by Columbus .3As a ga rter of the arts , black lovage erected a centre for! the University of capital of Italy , restored the Castel Sant Angelo , built the monumental mansion of the haughtyiloquent Chancery , embellished the Vatican palaces , and rund Michelangelo to draw plans for the rebuilding of St . Peter s------------------------------3 . The Borgias . Site stand for For MMDTKW . October 2004 brBasilica . He proclaimed the year 1500 a Holy social class of Jubilee and authorized its celebration with great pomp .4On the Jubilee year , 1500 , the pontiff led thousand of pilgrims from all parts of Europe to capital of Italy - a demonstration of stocky universality in the Christian faith . It was a very expensive but elaborate event that taxed Rome but he make sure the Vatican was able to entertain its visitors wellPoliticsDuring the cutting of Pope black lovage VI , the corpus of the Catholic Church had heavy influence on every aspect of European life . Being the head of Christianity , the pontiff received additional treatment the heads o f the various cliques or nobility . These monarchs call backd that the pontiff s advice was God s advice . Thus , the various popes during the mature of class by dint of by encyclicals , squealers , and revisals molded relations in the midst of European states . Their battle in such affairs and influence on events is distinctly evident from Papal activity during the Age of Discovery .5One of the major stances black lovage make was on the problems with the Jews . At that metre , harm against the Jews was high because of Christianity . For almost a century , the Jews in Europe have been driven away from England , France and Spain or if not , extortd to be------------------------4 . Emil Kren and Daniel Marx , G dischargeary (accessed 22 April 2007 accessible from HYPERLINK http / vane .newadvent .org / cathen /01289a .htm http /www .newadvent .org / cathen /01289a .htm , swallownet5 . Richard W . Schultz , The dish out of the Vatican in the Enounter (accesse d 23 April 2007 available from HYPERLINK http /muweb ! .millersville .edu columbus / data /art /SCHULTZ1 .ART http /muweb .millersville .edu columbus /data /art /SCHULTZ1 .ART Internetconverted into Christianity . Alexander , however , was unshakable with his stance and was tolerant with the Jews even when his Spanish allies were cash in ones chips him to banish them from RomeHis shield of the Jews , even at the pressure he got from the Spanish monarchs whowere his allies to the end , was remarkable . In their legislation of expulsion issued on March 31 , 1492 queen powerful Ferdinand and Queen Isabella had see to itd to banish all Jews from Spain . They ed the Jews to reserve within four months or else they shall be put to close . The Jews were permitted to take their personal belongings , except for gold , coin , coined money , or jewels . Only those who chose to be baptized into universality were allowed to re main in Spain . In his diary Christopher Columbus noteworthy In the resembling month in which Their Majesties issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom and its territories , in the same month they gave me the to take over with sufficient men my expedition of husking to the Indies Yet , Pope Alexander VI remained firm in his take cares about the Jews and even welcomed them in Rome barely , most of his political stopping points alleviate opted Spain not sodding(a)ly because he was Spanish but more because of his role to strengthen his shackles in northern Italy . He gave many concessions to the monarchs , Ferdinand and Isabella , without enough thought of these being disadvantages to other nationsAt this point in time , Spain and Portugal have been discovering the East and the Americas . The previous popes had been issuing one turd by and by another(prenominal) hoping to lessen the tension between these two parties as they are bruiseing the new territories . barely , these did not meet their objectives because each shucks contradicted one another on t he issue of their rights to the lands that they disco! veredHe was eager to the Spanish monarchs by using his power to help them get the territories they loved . This forgeted in one of his self-make endeavors - do a drag ofDemarcation He established in his Papal Bull Inter Caetera on May 3 ,1493 the line which headstrong which properties can be restricted by the Spanish and PortugueseUsing his ecclesiastical powers to convince the Spanish and Portuguese he force the line of demarcation along the Azores or Cape Verde Islands and depute to Spain the exclusive right to acquire territorial possessions and to trade in all lands west of that line as long as it was not owned by any Christian . This locomote turn out to be a good decision because if Spain and Portugal fought each other get on , Europe would have been defenseless and habituated up to Islamic attacksChristopher Columbus , a Portuguese working for the Spaniards in discovering the new territories , seems to have advised him on this for the location of the line gr eatly favored Spain . The hog fixed the boundaries for both parties but the upside was not definite and the wording was vague to determine accurate locations . barely , this demarcation gave all of the Americas (land entrustd to have practically gold to SpainThe papal bull in addition instructed Spain to send men to these new territories to convert its natives into the Catholic faith and make them apprehend Christian morality . The bull similarly confirmed Romanus Pontifex This heart and sense that no other country could trade in the Spanish American territories without Ferdinand s or Isabella s permissionPope Alexander VI also issued a second bull , Inter Caetera 1493 , on May 4 to clarify the confusion the first papal bull he created . The bull explained and expanded Spanish authority over their saucily possessed lands . This does not only grant Spain the lands they discovered but also clarified the position of the demarcation line . Spain was given the right to own ership of any discovered land that was one hundred le! agues west of any of the Azores or Cape Verde Islands . This bull also extended to Spain , an exclusive right to trade in all lands west of that line , as long as at Christmas 1492 , these were not another Christian s propertyBoth Spain and Portugal tried to indemnify the complexities of his demarcations , thus creating the Treaty of Tordeseilles . On June 7 , 1494 this treaty familiarize the demarcation line and collide withd it to 370 leagues west of the Azores and made brazil nut a part of Portuguese territory even if it were still undiscovered at that time . This treaty would pose some more problems again when the actual explorations and missions of spreading Christianity began . The spheric temper of the treaty was debated and in the end , both parties concur that the line of demarcation should cut through the earth and divide the instauration into two spheres - thus the East and West IndiesA political altercate for Alexander was the cut usurpation of Italy led by world power Charles eight . This was how the Italian Wars beganTo give a hazardground , the Sforza family govern the dukedom of Milan Because of its strategic position in the Lombard plain , at the intersection of several major expatriate routes , Milan has been since the Middle Ages , an world(prenominal) commercial , financial , and industrial centerAscsanio Sforza , Alexander s adviser took conformity at the HYPERLINK http /www .newadvent .org /cathen /12260a .htm papal court to cleave in the interests of his brother , Lodovico Il Moro (He is called Il Moro because of his dark tinct . Their nephew , Gian Galeazzo , was then the Duke of MilanLodovico precious to be the duke and so he cherished Gian Galeazzo to retract to him the reins of government . Galeazzo , although sincerely the duke , was powerless to assert his HYPERLINK http /www .newadvent .org /cathen /13055c .htm rights . His only asset was that his wife was the kBdaughter of queen Ferrante , the king of HYPERLINK http /www .newadvent .org /cathen /1068! 3a .htm Naples . Her consistent requests for assistance from her Neapolitan family was the only source for Lodovico s suspicion to grab the position . Lodovico was also avoiding the probability of a Neapolitan encroachmentPope Alexander VI , on the other hand , had his reasons for not liking ability Ferrante . This was because of the latter s financial aid to the pope s vassal , Virginio Orsini , a member of the Orsini family who also exerted very a good deal power in Italy . This Orsini family was the hereditary enemies of the equally distinguished Colonna : in the great medieval conflict between papacy and empire , the latter were for the most part on the side of the emperor moth moth and the leaders of the Ghibelline party , while the Orsini were ordinarily champions of the papacy ( Kirsch 1911 still , on this instance , the pope and the Orsini family were at opposing sides . Pope Alexander VI was angry at king Ferrante because the king financially helped Orsini buy the territories of Cervetri and Anguillara without his comply . He was genuinely eyeing these territories as fiefs for his son , Juan , the Duke of GandiaThis disd Alexander very more and on April 25 , 1943 , the pope entered an league with Milan and Venice in defense . To officially bind the adherence , the pope sealed it with the conjugation of Lucrezia , his daughter , to the Giovannie Sforza , Lord of Pesaro , who was also the cousin-german of AscanioThe wedding was done in the Vatican itself with the ten cardinals and the grand nobilities of Rome stupefy as guests . It was a very regal occasion and pansy Ferrante was not amusedThe king wanted war but was convinced by the Spanish monarchs , Ferdinand and Isabella , to compromise kind of with Alexander . To forge reconciliation , the queen of Naples ended up giving his granddaughter s Sancia s , hand in hymeneals . Alexander s youngest son , Jofre , married her with the principality of Squillace as dowerFinally at peace with Naples , go forward began again just a some ! old age afterwards The french king , Charles octonary , sent an minister plenipotentiary to Rome asking for the enthronization of Naples upon his master . Alexander refused thisLess than a year after , pansy Ferrante died on January 1494 . With his death , King Charles viii expected the pope to eventually grant him the investiture of Naples . However , Alexander instead , confirmed the succession of Alfonso II , King Ferrante s son , and even sent the Cardinal Giovanni Borgia to Naples for the coronation . Cardinal Giovanni Borgia was the pope s nephewThis decision by the pope is hoped by historians to be due not only for the maintenance of peace in Italy , but mainly because Alexander knew that his former enemy , Cardinal della Rovere still had ambitions of overthrowing him from the papal throne . Alexander was apprised that Della Rovere had create a slopped faction among his cardinals . This faction was using the onset of King Charles octette as a way to unseat h im on charges of simony and immoralityCharles VIII was aggressive . The cut king made his move in September 1494 by cross the Alps . By the end of the year , he entered Rome easily . Alexander s barons , including one named Savonarola , and army commandant , Virginio Orsini , delinquent him but he proven his courage by not yielding to brute force nor surrendering unconditionally to the cut . most historians study that it was even Orsini who opened the gates to the French soldieryAlthough at a disadvantage because he lacked the backing of troops Alexander calmly faced the French cannons and his traitorous cardinals The pope now feared that the king might depose him for simony and mention a council , but fortunately , he was able to persuade the bishop of paragon Malo to help him deal with his trouble with the French king . The Bishop of deification Malo was an influential ally of Charles . Alexander was able to get his cooperation by crack him the cardinal s hatIn the end , it was King Charles VIII who gave in . He hum! bly re-acknowledged Alexander as the straightforward pope much to the chagrin of Della Rovere . However , Alexander , still did not allow the French king to claim Naples . instead , the pope gave give him a valuable Ottoman security Djem , and commanded his son , Caesar , to be the papal representative in play over the territory , Civitavecchia , on January 16 , 1495Still intent in being dominant in Italy , the French king engage his original ambition to conquer the dry land of Naples . King Charles VIII did not need much violence to invade Naples on February 22 , 1495 . The very unpopular king , Alfonso II , perfectly abdicated the throne to his son , Ferrantino . Unfortunately , Ferrantino also failed to get the support required to go against Charles . Instead of fighting back to defend what is rightfull-of-the-moony his , he fled and sought the protection of SpainAlexander , despite Charles invasion of Naples , did not tire in his parturiencys to restore . He uncol lectible a powerful league with Venice Milan and Spain against the French . All this time , Charles VIII tried his best to dissuade the pope by making both promises and threats . He insited on crowning himself as King of Naples on May 12 , 1495 . By July he was already in a heated battle with the strong alliance of the Italians . By the end of the year , Charles VIII finally gave up his ambition to dominate the kingdom and had to give up back to France winless in his motive to rule NaplesMost were relieved that the French had odd Italy , except the Florentine friar , Savoranola , who was a stiff critic of Pope Alexander VI , and Cardinal Guiliano Della Rovere . later on on , Della Rovere would become Pope Julius II who had his own troubles with the French during his reignAlexander VI learned his lesson from the French . He realized that he indispensable to decrease insolence and dis lealty in his barons or else he shall again be in d provoke of losing his papal positio n in Rome . He did this by disposing of civil and sp! iritual privileges and offering governing offices liberally . Knowing that Orsini , his army commanding officer who betrayed him at the most critical moment during the French Invasion needed to reprimanded , he did so by using politicsHe replaced him with his son , Juan , who was also the Duke of Gandia Juan battled with Orsini conquering all of the family s minor castles By January 25 , 1497 , all of the Orsinis territories but the fortress of Bracciano was under the pontiff s military blockade . This was the only fortress where Juan had to back out . To get back their castles , the Orsinis had to abide 50 ,000 golden florins . However , the original cause of their quarrels , Cervetri and Anguillara , remained with AlexanderHis bordering step was to take revenge at Cardinal della Rovere . He did this by asking Gonsalvo de Cordova , reknowned Spanish military commanding officer , and his Spanish veterans to conquer the fortress of Ostia This fortress was being held by the French troops for della Rovere . It surrendered within two weeksIrritated at not being able to get the possessions of the Orsini family Alexander demanded his cardinals to comply to the novelty of the dioceses , Benevento , Terracina and Pontecorvo , into a duchy for his son the Duke of Gandia . Cardinal Piccolomini of Sienna was the only one who dared to belie this move to transfer the ownership of the properties of the Church to the dukeThis feud was engulfed by a greater incident when the Juan , the Duke of Gandia was off on June 16 . He had many gaping wounds and a throat cut when he was fished out of the Tiber . No demonstrate nor suspects could be found to aid in the investigation to find out who murdered him .Alexander was in deep melancholy and wanted to be alone in Castel Sant Angelo , a military fortress he had made out of the former Mausoleum of Hadrian . He was known to have spoken of even leaving his position as pope due to his bereavement . Historians acknow ledge that he went with collar years and nights wit! hout food nor sleep in his depression After this , he became determined to reform the Church and this was welcomed by the people who had been hue and cry for this move for so long .He organised the cardinals and canonists to begin outlining ordinances that formed the framework of reforming the Church . To this do historians attribute the beginnings of the Council of Trent . However his grief subsided dumbly and was replaced by his focus to further development the power and ambition of his other son , Caesar insteadHis son was more pushy than he . Caesar had plans of building an empire but not on Alexander s terms . They argued on Caesar s decision to cast off from being Cardinal and leave his ecclesiastical duties so that he can become a princeCaesar wanted Naples .

The Neapolitan king , Ferrantino , had died without an heir . He was succeeded by his uncle , Federigo , who was previously crowned by Caesar himselfHis motive was to espouse Federigo s daughter , Princess Carlotta of Tarento , so that he can become one of the most powerful barons of Naples . However , Carlotta refused him sternlyAs Caesar was heavy to persuade the princess to marry him , another wedding was brewing a scandal . Lucrezia annulled her spousal with her husband , Giovanni Sforza , who was the cousin of Cardinal Sforza . It was a big issue because her husband was forced to tell the earthlike concern that they were getting the annulment due to his impotenceHistorians believe that this was a compensate because Lucrezia s husband is recorded to have had sired illegitimate children . This move proved to be very humiliating to G iovanni Sforza . He counter-attacked this move by sa! ying that Alexander wanted Lucrezia for himself and that even her brothers had incestuous relationships with her . Alexander overcame this accusation by making sure that Lucrezia was allow a divorce and declared still a virginWith Lucrezia dissolve from her marriage to Sforza , the pope decided to help Caesar with his ambitions . Alexander unfit the marriage of Lucrezia to Alfonso , Duke of Bisceglie . Alfonso was the illegitimate son of the former king of Naples , Alfonso II , and nephew of the present king who was also the full brother of Sancia , the beautiful wife of Jofre .6 The marriage was done to further Caesar s intention to marry Princess Carlotta . However , the princess was adamant to refuse Caesar s offer of marriageAll this time , Alexander did not give up in finding out who in truth killed his son . He loved his children very much and the loss of one hurt him very deeply . He act his investigations which led to highly influential people . Accusations were thro wn and some proven However , when it seemed like the leads were pointing to his other son Caesare , he abandoned this investigationsAs this was going on , Italian history took another turn when Charles VIII died on April 1498 . He died two-and-a-half years after his retreat , of a freak possibility . He miscalculated his step , striking himself on the head while passing through a doorway , he succumbed to a sudden------------------------------6 . oxeye daisy creature . Histories /Lucrezia Borgia (Dragonrest .net . 1999 accessed 18 April 2007 available from HYPERLINK http /www .dragonrest .net /histories /lucrezia .html http /www .dragonrest .net /histories /lucrezia .html Internetcoma several hours later . His only son also died so the throne was given to his cousin , the Duke of Orleans , King Louis dozenKing Louis cardinal needed to ask for some papal favors . He wanted to be free of his marriage with Jane of Valois , daughter of Louis XI and since he was pursuing to ret ain Brittany , he needed to marry his cousin s widow ! , Queen Anne . He believed that Alexander can use his ecclesiastical powers to get him what he wantedLouis XII , if not for his political position , was at a disadvantage He had no legitimate reasons to ask for an annulment from his marriage with Jane . His arguments proved to be scandalous as Jane fought to keep her marriage and reputationKing Louis claimed that his wife was perverted and publicly humiliated Jane on her physical deformities . Thus , he denies having consummated the marriage . Jane , on the other hand , also lay her witnesses to Louis shocking and humiliating accusations . It came to a point wherein he blamed Jane of using witchcraft when they had intercourse . Of course Jane reacted by asking how she could have used witchcraft if the marriage was neer consummatedIf Alexander VI had been Valois side . However , for political reasons , Louis had the advantageTo Louis favor , Alexander ed an investigation and the results showed that Jane was an invalid and b ecause of lack of consent , the marriage had never been consummated . With these facts the marriage was annulled . Jane , humiliated and slow , gave up the fight . Louis XII married Queen Anne , who historians believe , was also against the move to be betrothed to himIt was becoming clear to the rest of Europe that Alexander was prospecting an alliance with France and this almost blur these powers to schism or heresy . There were threats that Alexander result be deposed or overthrown from his papal seat but he was not scared . He had the Sacred College in full control and della Rovere was his agent in France Ascanio Sforza can also be disposed of because he was very old and retirableLouis was also eyeing the duchy of Milan . He claims that the duchy was an inheritance from his grandmother , Valentina Visconti . His opponents of course , were the powerful Sforzas but Alexander seemed to be leaning on the French sideAlexander took great advantage of the second French invas ion of Italy to connect his temporal power and for ! enriching his family . On October 1 , 1498 , Caesar , who was already Duke of Valeninois and an ally of France , brought Louis his much wanted papal dispensation . He also helped Louis minister , D Amboise , become cardinal . He did this though because of his main concern , that was still , to seek a wife that would gain him the crown . Princess Carlotta was at that time living in France and he was persistent in marrying her . However , the princess was firm in her decision to refuse him . So he married instead , the niece of King Louis XII , who was also the sister of the King of Navarre . Her name was Charlotte D AlbretOn October 8 , 1499 , King Louis was accompanied by Duke Caesar and Cardinal Della Rovere when they made their successful entry into Milan It was the start of Alexander s move to more or less the Church of its tyrants This would have been a spectacular move if he had not replaced the Sforzas with his own familyCaesar , with the help of Alexander s powers , wa s moving to conquer Romagna . It was at this time when Lucrezia s husband , Alfonso , Duke of Bisceglie , was attacked by masked assassins who expectant wounded himThe Duke of Biseglia had reasons to believe that is was his brother-in-law , Caesare , who planned his murder . In an effort to fight Caesar , he was killed by Caesar s bodyguard leaving Lucrezia a widowAmidst the blood ties being strained , the real object of the Borgias was differentiate Italy . By autumn , Cesare , backed up by King Louis XII and Venice , set forth with 10 ,000 men to complete his interrupted battles The local despots of Romagna were dispossessed and an administration was set up , which , if tyrannical and cruel , was at least ly and strong and alight(p) the appreciation of Machiavelli (q .v ) By April of 1501 Caesar had completely usurped papal territory . On his return to Rome on June 1501 , he was created duke of Romagna by Pope Alexander VI himselfLouis XII , also having succeeded in the u niting , determined to conquer southern Italy as well! , and cerebrate a treaty with Spain for the division of the Neapolitan kingdom , which was sign by the pope on the 25th of June , Frederick being formally deposed .7Caesar s next planned conquest was for Tuscany but he needed to go back to Rome because Alexander needed him in Rome . The pope had deposed Federigo King of Naples------------------------------7 . Snell , genus Melissa . Pope Alexander VI (accessed 22 April 2007 available from HYPERLINK http /historymed http /historymed ren .about .com /od /aentries /a /11_pope_alex6 .htm , Internetbecause he was criminate of allying with the Turks . Since the Turks were targeting an Islamic invasion of Europe , Christendom was being threatened . chthonic the Treaty of Granada (an agreement made by the Moorish country of Granada to surrender to the Christianity under the other European nobility , the Kingdom of Naples was forfeited and was divided between Spain and FranceThe barons of Naples who had always been in emulation to the popes were finally powerless against Alexander and were excommunicated . They offered to surrender their castles to the Sacred College but the pontiff wanted it for himself . The clan of the Orsini helped Alexander ruin their long-time enemies and soon , castles were surrendering to the pope .Lucrezia , now a widow , was ready for a third politically cause marriage to Alfonso , son and heir of Duke Ercole of Ferrara . Neither the son nor the pay back wanted the marriage but King Louis convinced them of its advantages . So , on celestial latitude 30 , 1501 , twenty terzetto year old Lucrezia was married in such an extravagant watching again . just now this time , historians would write that she shied away from scandals and proved to be a good wife and princess who became known instead for her charm and charitiesCaesar and Alexander , however , continued their ambitions and captured Camerino and Sinigaglia . By October of 1502 , Orsini organized his generals to kill Caesar . However , the young Borgia knew of their plo! t and fooled them into believing he was unaware . This made it easier for him to kill them at once . Alexander then sent Orsini to the Castle of St . Angelo where he was found almost two weeks later to be deadIn just a few months , only Bracciano was left of the fortresses of the Orsini and they surrendered . This was the end of the conquest of the Borgias which made them the eventual(prenominal) rulers of the StatesAlexander was already seventy three years old and was already fearless due to his power . The Sacred College let out lampoons accusing him of many crime but he did nada to better the public s view of his characterIt was inevitable that war would break out between Naples , France and Spain regarding their spoils . Historians believe that Alexander was unsure as to how and to whom he would ally his forces with among the three . However , he did not anticipate his early hideaway from life when he contracted Roman Fever in the gardens of Adriano da CornetoOn August 6 , 1503 , Alexander , Caesar and some other close allies were dining with Cardinal Corneto . Some historians believe that Alexander and Caesar plotted to poison their host but sot the poisoned cup by misunderstanding . However , more evidence shows that it was the virus that afflicted them . Caesar was able to recover in a few geezerhood . Alexander was not so fate . By August 12 , the pope was too lame to get up from bed and after six days , he made a confession and received the last sacrament . He died on the night of August 18 , 1503 at the age of seventy-sevenA loyal handmaid and diarist who has seen through five popes , Johann Burchard , recounts that on the night that Pope Alexander VI was dying Caesar had asked his followers to force themselves into the Vatican to steal as much of the treasure that they could get . at a time after the pontiff died , his servants also took what they could from the pope s bedroomJohann Burchard , also Protonotary grandiloquent and get well of Ceremonies was said to have prepared th! e body while the palace guards had a hard time predismissal people from venting their anger on the dead pope s body The servant then sent the body to a small chapel service where it remained unattended and rotted in the very humid atmospheric condition . The very fast decomposition of the body leads historians to believe that Alexander was really poisoned . His remains can be found in Santa Maria di Monserrato a national church in SpainMany believe him to be one of the most notorious laic popes in the history of the Catholic Church . However , he has also given many contributions to the spread of Christianity in the new territories and protection of the Catholic faith in EuropeWorks CitedKren , Emil and Marx , Daniel . Glossary (accessed 22 April 2007 available from http /www.newadvent .org / cathen /01289a .htm , InternetLoughlin , James F . Alexander VI :[book on-line] (accessed 22 April 2007 available from, InternetSite Map For MMDTKW . The Borgias . October 2004Kirsch , J . P . Alexander VI . The Catholic Encyclopedia , Volume XI .1911 New YorkSchultz , Richard W . The exercise of the Vatican in the Encounter (accessed 23 April 2007available from HYPERLINK http /muweb .millersville .edu columbus /data /art /SCHULTZ1 .ART http /muweb .millersville .edu columbus /data /art /SCHULTZ1 .ARTInternetSnell , Melissa . Pope Alexander VI (accessed 22 April 2007 available from HYPERLINK http /historymed http /historymedren .about .com /od /aentries /a /11_pope_alex6 .htm , InternetWolf , Marguerite . Histories /Lucrezia Borgia (Dragonrest .net . 1999 accessed 18 April 2007available from HYPERLINK http /www .dragonrest .net /histories /lucrezia .html http /www .dragonrest .net /histories /lucrezia .html InternetName of Student PAGE 22 ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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